Our in house Florist has a fantastic range of Flowers and Gifts for every occasion.
Need something special? talk to our talented florist for some inspiration.
So why not brighten up someone’s day or say something special to the ones you love, all at your Locali.
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Bouquet di Rose Ecadorian
Ecuadorian Roses Bouquet Hot Pink Ecuadorian Roses bouquet, with scented Tea Tree fillier and foliages. Ecuadorian Roses come in a wide variety of beautiful different colours.

Nativo Tropicale in una Scatola
Native Tropical in a box Mixed florals of native flowers with tropical anthurium arranged in a hat box.

Bouquet Conservato
Preserved Bouquet These exceptional arrangements are made with a mixed of dried and preserved florals, fillers and foliages, that will last forever. We have a wide variety of different colours of our preserved florals, filler and foliages.

Tulipani e fresia posiy
Tulips & Freesia Posy These Posy is simply a mixture of Tulips and Freesia, It is generally smaller in size compared to a flower bouquet, presented in an elegant wrapping which is perfect as a gift.